This is the 18"-36" drum sander. One of our local vendors has this puppy on sale for $699.00. Not a bad price, from what I've seen. However, opinions on a couple of the Internet sites swing from it's "the drum sander from Hell" to "the best thing since sliced bread". Kind of hard to make an intelligent decision. So, I go to you folks, who may have more experience with this particular piece of equipment. I note that it's a bit bigger than the comparable Performax (16-32) and quite a bit heavier, as well. This one feeds the material *to* the drum as opposed to the other way around. It seems either would have its individual advantages.

Comments are welcome, but opinions from actual users would be most valuable. Oh, and I'm not strictly brand-loyal nor does this *have* to happen right now. If the verdict is neither, the Delta or Performax, I can wait. BUT, before you guys start to chime in about the widebelt units, save it! I already *know* that's the ideal way to go, but it would be "the widebelt or the LOML"! Yeah, I know...Tough decision, but my daughter has kind of taken a liking to her Mom, so we best not entertain that choice! Appreciate any input!