Aaron Koehl
SMC Administrator

And to answer your thread title, yes, you can ask any question you'd like. I just hope it's not rhetorical for the sake of provoking others.
Keith Outten

We rarely ban people from SMC. This is a friendly Community and only those who refuse to be friendly will feel unwelcome.
I do not write this question without understanding there will be consequences. I suspect at least the thread will disappear. I also suspect my membership will be terminated for merely asking this question publicly. Tis a pity.

This morning Frank Pellow made a post letting members here know he was leaving SMC for a time. And politely a reason or two why. There was nothing in the TOS which prohibited this post of Frank's. From reading his post one could almost hear the sadness of his decision.

Ironically, though his post mentioned as one reason the uneven moderation, his post was summarily deleted and apparently his account terminated.

As Frank's post was public--and the action of the moderation public as well--I ask this question in public: Why was both Frank's post deleted and his membership terminated over his post when it did not violate the TOS? As well, a responder to that thread also had his membership terminated. Why?

As I wrote above, I suspect this post at least will go away. I suspect my membership will as well. I have not written this, as Aaron says above, to provoke others. As a current member of SMC, what one does affects us all. This applies both ways.

The apparent discontent isn't really as much people wanting SMC to change into "another" thing. Mainly, people just want to know why things are done this way and want them to be more consistent. Wouldn't SMC benefit from that?

Thank you, Mike