I recently ordered a tenru gold blade due to the posts I've read recently, I bought it to use as a second blade to my WWII that has been my primary blade for 2 years now (sharpened 3 times) and have been very happy with but wanted a blade to use when I send off the WWII for sharpening.
I must say I am very happy with the cut the Tenyru provides I inspected it and installed it them made a test cut crosscutting a 1.5" stick of walnut and I could hardly even feel the wood hit the blade like a hot knife through butter and very smooth. Then ripped a same thickness Rock maple board same results with a edge much cleaner than I have ever got with the WWII, I am interested to see how long the blade will last before getting dull but from what I have seen so far after using it last night to cut up some stock for glue ups I think it will be my primary blade for awhile and use the WWII as a backup.