I am relatively new to the Neanderthal approach to planing wood but love doing it and I am looking forward to some day being more proficient.

I am currently working on planing boards for a kitchen table which will have a curly maple top (I know not the best wood to learn on, however, f I master these, the rest should be easy). I have gotten the top of my bench flat and checked it with a 6 ft level. When I begin with a new board to flatten one face, I first work on removing the twist (by working on opposite corners) and then if the board sits relatively stable on my bench, I begin to attempt to flatten one face. What I find is that when I flip the board back over, it often will appear to now be bowed with the far ends up off the table and the center part still sitting on the table. The hand planing is being done with a combination of a low angle jack and low angle jointer planes.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback, suggestions. Much thanks in advance and hope my explanation makes some sense.