
A quick note for those of you who might be on the fence on the purchase of a Festool OF 1400 EQ plunge router. My initial impression of this router is that it was good, but nothing better. Relative to all my other Festool purchases, I was less satisfied.

After a year+ hiatus from WW (wife, work, soccer dad), I used the router along with the Featool guide system to cut some dadoes and to route some inlays in a 5' butcher block countertop/cutting station. Simple to set up, cuts that are smooth, and razor clean edges. The inlay fit is PERFECT.

To cut to the point, I'm now as happy with the router purchase as I am with the MFT, plunge saw, jig saw, and Rotex purchases. It has proven to me yet again that I'm happiest with the tools that I've paid relatively more for - you do get what you pay for. Best. Dave.