We've been using the sign frames from JRS for office space areas. If you use them, then you know them, two pieces of aluminum, one on either side, magnetic backpiece, so you can swap signs in and out.

We've had a real tough time with their delivery dates. It's often 30 working days to get frames from them that are for 8" x 10" signs. I'm tired of messing with them and have started looking for an alternative to offer customers. Seems JRS makes them and sells them to everyone, so most of the big suppliers sell the same ones, all gotten through JRS. I'd like to know who's making similiar items that has a better delivery record.

We've had situations where we've had to wait 6 weeks for a sign frame, which makes us look very poor in the customers eyes.

I've searched the internet for hours and hours looking for alternatives, but had little luck.

This is the style http://www.jrscoinc.com/prod_decobars.html

Anyone got any ideas for alternatives? Or where to start looking for alternatives?