My NYW deluxe router station is complete except for the interior dust collection chute. I cut the hole to accommodate the 2" PVC, but after seeing others on here, I see that many changed this out to a full 4 dust collection port.

I do not have a dedicated dust collector in my shop, but instead use a shop vac. I hooked the shop vac up to the dust collection on the fence and it did a fantastic job - almost good enough that I don't need the lower dust collection chute.

Since I only have a shop-vac, do you think I should keep the 2" dust port in the interior and then re-do the chute to accommodate a 4" port once I upgrade to a dust collector or should I just go ahead and put the 4" port in now and save the trouble of having to re-do it down the line?

My concern with putting in the 4" now is that it will actually hurt the performance since I'm using a shop-vac instead of a dust collector.

Thanks in advance. Pictures will follow once it's completely done.