I'm pretty new to these boards, so I thought I would post a quick bio for anyone who cares about such things.

I live in Denver, Colorado, with my wife and a golden retriever named Libby. She was kind enough to allow me to use her photo for my avatar (my dog, not my wife.) In case you are wondering, in the photo she has a potato in her mouth.

I am 39 years old, "nearly ancient" as my neighbor's kids would say, but I'm sure I'm right in the middle around here . I've been woodworking for about 10 years. It all started when I was shopping for furniture and said, "I can either spend $3,000 on furniture, or spend it on tools and make all the furniture I want!" Now, ten years and at least $12,000 later, my wife is still wondering when "the real furniture" is going to start showing up.

I spent several years working part time at my local Woodcraft, and I continue to work there as an instructor. I learned a whole lot about woodworking there, probably more than I would have just hiding out in my shop.

My real job is in sales for a Pathology company. There is a priceless look on people's faces when I tell them I sell prostate biopsies. Actually, I sell the pathologists' interpretations on the biopsies, and a whole lot of other stuff that would bore you to tears (unless you happen to be a gynecologist, urologist, or dermatologist. In that case, I'll give you my card.)

I used to love the Badger Pond forums, and I was a semi-regular poster there. After it shut down I sort of wandered around, lurking in a few forums but never making the committment. Then I found you.
