Good evening guys. I just posted a final summary of my purchase of the Sawstop for anyone interested.

Ok - so now that I bought the Sawstop and PC 895PK router, I need some advice regarding how to best mount the router to the tablesaw.

I don't want to take up much needed space with a stand alone router table so I would like to integrate a table mounted router to the Sawstop tablesaw.

I can't seem to find any aftermarket router extension tables since the Sawstop is 30" wide. Is there one out there that I am missing? If not, should I just drop in a router mounting plate and add a router fence? My understanding is that I can make height adjustments with this 895PK router from above the table so do you still recommend a lift?

Any recommendations you have on an effective setup for the Sawstop and PC 895PK would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,