.....Just sitting "in the wings" here, keeping track. Let's see if I've got this straight:
Tyler is buying us all 1st-class tickets to Vegas. Check.

Karl is in charge of ground transportation and has arranged for a fleet of Hummer limo's. Check.

Al is taking care of "Security" and will be bringing along appropriate munitions for protection, as well as enough ammo for a little "fun" time. Check.

Phyllis is reconfiguring her laser to bring along and be the highlight at one of the grand shows on the Strip. Check.

Joe and his bride will be taking over the kitchen at the Imperial Palace and show those clowns how a real meal should taste and be prepared. Check.

And finally, even though Ken can't make it, he's appointed me as Sargent At Arms for the group and will be sending me a specially prepared "Bonker" he's working on, to be sure everyone stays in line! Check.

Almost forgot: David W. is in charge of appropriating water craft for some fun in the closest lake. Check.
Seriously, this is starting to look real great! Joe, your offer as the "halfway point" and host is most fantastic!!! Phyllis, as it's already been pointed out, you are indeed most certainly welcome!!! This is gearing up to be an SMC event and that includes you laser and CNC folks, as well. Heck, they're even letting a couple Turners show up!

From the suggested dates, thus far, it's looking like the 27th of April or May 11th weekends are prime. However, it should be noted that, the weekend of the 11th is also Mother's Day Sunday. With that said, I'm leaning toward the 27th weekend.

Also, we need to get a list of "pot luck" items together to take along. I'll speak for Jill here and say that she's most likely to take care of the "Sweets" dept. (desert). I'll bring along some beer and soda.

This is starting to come together, folks! Oh, and would somebody please go rattle Dave Richard's cage??? He's up in that area, too.