I am certain that no one else ever did this so I'll just tell a tail on myself. A little over a year ago I started turning after 40 + years of being (AWOL) "Absent With Out Lathe". Come to think of it I'm AWOL now! Ouch! Anyway, not being a woodworker type and being ignorant of all the things most of the guys here take for granted. I thought the best way to get a fine finish was to rely on out of the can type stuff. Now I know, that those things have their place but for me this buffing stuff was just something that I thought I could live without. Then I began to see some of the works displayed here and slowly began to realize that there must be something I was missing. A couple of the Vets here sent me a, so kind but straight forward chastising comment about finishes. I wanted to know what the heck they were getting at but I had no frame of reference to fully understand what they were saying. Well, to make a long story short, I got my Buffers hooked up over the weekend and thought I'd toy around just a bit with them on an unfinished bowl. The bowl has just a coat or two of Danish Oil and that is all. Wow! Now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! What a beautiful luster. I have a growing anticipation of what is going to happen when "Beauty" gets here and not just my lathe has gone to the next level. Color me EXCITED!! an thanks for all your patience. I know I don't hail from Missouri but sometimes a 2 X 4 and a ten penny nail through the end applied smack between the eyes is just what I need to get the point. So, if you're new and as ignorant as I was, take heed. Don't waste a year trying to figure out how to get a great finish. Good Cutting followed by good sanding and a nice oil finish with a good buffing and you may find yourselves miles ahead of where I was.