Hello everybody
I've been lurking here for about three years learning from everybody while I did some remodeling on the house and dreaming of the day that I can start making projects like others here. Hopefully in the next six months I will have a chance to do some woodworking (maybe, wife is pregnant with twins). I have a fully equipt shop/garage. Anyway my question is that I am looking to paint a raw wood Pine dresser for the babies' room. What is a baby safe paint that can be sprayed. We are looking for a low emmissions paint. I also need a sprayer (New Tool = very cool). I have a compressor big enough to handle a conversion sprayer but I am open to a turbin unit whatever is the best all around idea. I would like a sprayer that can handle a variety of finishes for any future projects that may come up. If any one has any Ideas or opinions please share them. Brands of paint and spray units with model numbers would be great so I could research them.
Thanks in advance to all that help