Thanks, Eugene! I think you hit all points spot on!

Quote Originally Posted by Eugene A. Manzo III View Post
Truly Woodworking is an Art, many try, but very few Master
The responses here should tell you all.
That God Needed a project done so on Pesch he did call.
We should not be sad because hes gone
because he left us with a better understanding
Life and Woodworking are both the same.
But only one requires alot more sanding.
You see with each project you safely complete.
if you look deep enough into it.the masters are waiting for the time when we meet.
So Pesch we will all meet you in time.
Thank you for Guidance and Skill and you never asked us for a dime.
Take your best blade with you and set up your shop
According to This forum you already made it to the Top

God Bless You