Jet apparently has a new tablesaw available with a riving knife. This is the only reference I have found for it

I talked to my local woodcraft where I first saw this flyer and to another tool dealer I have purchased from and both contacted jet and confirmed that the saw is available for the price in the flyer but didn't know anything more about it. Running a number of searches on the internet I cant find anything else about it.

I would think a sub 2K TS from JET with a riving knife and arbor lock would be big news (from the picture in the flyer the riving knife appears to be the same as the PM so it looks like WMH is just reusing the PM system).

The flyer is a little confusing as it lists both the new saws and the old jet XACTA saws but pictures the old one, except for the riving knife picture. I am in the market for a new TS and am very interested in this one, but I am leary until I can find more info.