Name: Shane Whitlock

How young are you?

I will be 40 this December but I feel like I'm a 100.

Physical description:
About 5'10" and 220lbs. I look much older than I am, I think its the gray hair plus I work way too many hours and smoke way to much. I had talked with some of the guys at work about woodturning and a couple of them said "Hey that will be a good hobby for ya when ya retire." One of them was 58 and the other just turned 60, they both thought I was older than they were!

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(A photoshopped self portrait I took with one of my antique cameras.)

Where is home?

Right now home is in Perry, Utah. I grew up about 15 miles away in Honeyville (love that name). After high school I moved to Phoenix to go to school for a few years, graduated and moved back to Utah and I'm sure this is where I will stay. I love the small town I live in and the mountains are great, so are the people.

Family information:

I married my high school sweetheart. We dated for a couple years in school and then went our separate ways. We both got married to other people, had one child each, then got divorced. About 5 years ago a mutual friend set us up on a date and we have been together ever since.

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We also have one cat and a dog.

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Do you have a website?
I have a couple of websites. My main photography site is where I have a small sample of my photographs along with some of my wood turnings, and my photo storage site is where I have about 1750 pics stored.

For the last 3 years I have been a project manager for a geotechnical engineering and mechanical testing company. Before that I was a mechanical QC for the Core of Engineers and before that I did HVAC.

Shop Overview:
The only reason I bought my house is because of the shop that came with it. Its "L" shaped; 1200 sq. ft.; with a furnace, wood burning stove, air conditioning, and a bathroom. It originally started out as a studio for my other hobby – photography – so I could have a place to shoot during the winter months; but now its full of woodworking tools. The main tools I have are two each of - tablesaw, bandsaw, scroll saw, drill press and jointer. Sadly, just one planer, surface sander, drum sander, shaper, chop saw, radial arm saw and dedicated mortiser.

Some of my other hobbies are restoring old woodworking machines. Some of my recent projects are a 1950's Craftsman TS, 1931 Delta BS and the restoration that got me hooked on turning – a 1936 Walker Turner Lathe. I also enjoy metal detecting (another one of my websites) but haven't done much of it lately. I also like making copper sprinklers and fountains and of course I love photography, editing pics and restoring old pictures. I also collect and restore vintage cameras.

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