Greetings all

I am avoiding going out in the heat to cut the grass for as long as I can, so I decided this might be a good time to spend a little time posting. I have a big change coming in my shop, one that has been in the works for a little while, but I did not feel right in mentioning until things were solidified. But money has changed hands, and things are in motion.

My beloved Poolewood lathe, Big Blue to a lot of people, is going away in a few weeks. I have had this lathe for just eight years, picking it up in the middle of July, 1999. It has served me well, and I have never tired of it or had reason to think badly of it. But when opporturnity (sic) knocks...

A student of mine fell in love with it, and we came to a mutually acceptable agreement on it. He saw the opportunity to acquire a very well built machine, and I saw the opportunity to move along in the turning world to accomodate my growing teaching end of the business.

Has the tension built long enough?

I have been on the list for a little while now to receive a brandy new Robust American Beauty. I first saw this lathe in person when I was out in Louisville for the AAW symposium last year. I got to meet Brent English and talk with him a bit while looking the machine over. There were subsequent emails and phone conversations about the lathe, even though I had no intent of buying one. I told Brent I had no intentions of buying a new lathe, but if I ever did, Robust would be the one I would choose.

But then a buyer for my Poolewood came along, and the rest, as they say, is history. Well, it isn't quite history yet, but it will be soon. Adding the Robust to the shop will give me some features the Poolewood does not have, but the big one for teaching is the ability to change the height for different students. Now all three of my lathes will have that capability, which I think is important for the student experience to be maximized. Of course, there are a few things on it I am looking forward to using as well.

If it were up to me, I probably would have kept the Poolewood and just added the Robust, but I have neither the room or the money for that option. But I have pictures to keep me happy with my memories, and even some movies if I really get the urge for nostalgia.

More to come as things develop.
