Well my first gloat here on the creek. I broke down and Bought a Lie-Nielsen Rabbeting block plane at a show this weekend. Alot of scratch it seems but after reading up and talking to some friends this is not a tool to skimp on. I had thought about the Veritas block planes as well and I think I would have been happy with that as well. I just really like what L-N is all about and am happy to see the money go to somebody doing a thing because they love doing it. I paid my money at the show on Sunday and UPS met me at the door on Wednsday afternoon. The quality is apparent throughout. I had to show it to my machinest friend for his opinion and the metal work passes muster with him. Now I have to learn how to use the thing. If anybody has any tips that don't include me hurting this baby I would love to hear them.