I've got a problem I'm not sure where to post... so here goes. My step daughter had a couple of her less than helpful friends dye her hair in my kitchen last week, up to her it's her hair right?
Well, after said dye job the kids leave (and leave the mess behind) but not out of the ordinary. Ok, so I pick up everything and notice there is BLACK DYE splattered all over 3 of my cabinet doors in the kitchen which I can't seem to get off now. The doors are painted and have 3 coats of lacquer sprayed on them. The priming, painting & lacquering was about a month of weekends to do all doors & drawer fronts...
Does ANYONE have any ideas on what to use to take the black dye off that won't hurt the lacquer finish??? LOML said I can just repaint them, but I KNOW it will never blend in... I'm thinking if I do repaint & relaquer it'll be like a red fender on a black car.
