I was just getting into posting on the turners forum last winter when I ran out of vacation time and had to go back to the salt mine. I got tangled up in a big project that took almost all my free time.

On top of that, I started a house remodeling project that just would not go away and took about 5 months instead of the 2 that I estimated. You know how those things go, the project expands to consume all the available time and money.

My lathe has been sitting for about 6 months just collecting dust until this past week.

I just retired after 35 years so there are no more excuses for not getting out in the shop on a daily basis. Finally, some free time go make chips, lots of free time to make big piles of shavings and chips.

I'm just about finished with my first turning project since last winter and it feels so good to be turning again. I'll post a picture tomorrow after I make the final assembly.

Good to be back.
