Those of you who have read many of my posts know that I am a big fan of Festool tools. I first learned about them on this WEB site and have since purchased:

- the ATF 55 E-plus circular saw

- the CT 22 E vacuum

- the PS 2 jig saw

- extra rails, systainers, clamps, blades, etc.

In fact, I have already more than blown my 2004 tool budget on Festool stuff alone.

I like a lot of things about the Festool tools that I own, but what I like best is the integrated guide rail system.

Recently I was reading an old thread entitled "circular saw options????" that was started on the 24th of February 2004 (before I joined this forum - by the way, I have learned a lot by reading some of these old threads). There is a reference there to the site:

If you look there you will find a description of a "made in the USA" guide rail system for use with most brands of circular saws and routers. According to what I read there, the system (called the EZ Smart Guide System) is quite competitive with the Festool system. It even offers some wrinkles not provided by Festool. ...And, the price appears to be right; I would not have blown my budget if I had purchased it instead.

I was disappointed that, although the site is referenced in the thread, there is very little discussion of the EZ system. I went looking for an independent assessment of these two on the WEB and found nothing. I would like to hear from anyone who has tried both systems and/or anyone who has a reference to a comparison between the two systems.

I believe that Dino Makropoulos who is member of this forum may be the creator of this system. I asked him in a private email but he has neither confirmed or denied it.