A little help/information here fellas. I am in the process of making a grouping of walnut picture frames to go along with the walnut keepsake box that I recently posted on the general woodworking forum. Many, many years ago when I replaced the storm windows in my home, I salvaged the glass out of all of them and have been storing it for all of this time, using a piece here and there along the way. I went looking for it tonight and found it all and remembered that at one time, a local Channel home store (remember them?) offered glass cutting services for no fee. I took advantage of this and had them cut up some of the glass I had into 5x7 and 8x10 sizes for future picture frame intentions. I had forgotten all about that until I came across it tonight out on one of my garage shelves.

Anyhow, I am making a few 5x7 frames and possibly one 8x10, but I have been requested to also make a few 4x6 frames. I don't have glass pre-cut to that size, but can certainly cut some down from my supply. I am looking for any tips in doing the actual cutting and if those little glass cutters about the size of toothbrushes work fine - you know, the ones with the cutting wheel on one end and the little ball thingamajig on the other. I am guessing that I want to cut on a firm surface so there is no flexing when doing the cutting. Would it be adviseable to put down some blue painters tape at the cutting position to help in any way? How about after I score the glass - how to go about breaking the piece into the size I want without getting any additional breakage or chipping? Any and all tips would be highly appreciated.

Thanks guys.