I'm in a bit of a pickle here, and hoped you fine creekers could help me out yet again.

Being a newbie, I don't currently have a working workshop. I had been planning on using the 16x20 garage in my back yard as a shop once it has been cleaned out and some minor repairs made. However, that changed Wednesday morning about 3:00 AM.

About that time, my maternal Grandmother passed away after several days in a coma. About six years ago, when my uncle passed away, she had purchased a duplex in a nicer area of town. She lived in one side, my mother in the other. This was so my Mom could help her out, and Mom got a nice home rent free. We then moved into our current home (formerly my mother's home).

Now that my Grandmother has passed away, my wife and I have agreed to move into her former home. We will pay rent, but Mom has already consented to let me have a workshop in the back of the house (she wants bookshelves after all ). Now, it's 1:51 AM on the morning of the funeral, and frankly I'm trying to keep my mind off of the various things that will cause me to lose it, and just the thought of woodworking has been wonderful for that. Granted, most of you could probably care less about why I'll be moving, but for some reason I felt I should share.

This leads me to my problem. There is a decent sized back yard, but a very limited budget (at the moment, there is precisely $0 set aside). Obviously, this will change as I'm able to save up, but I'm trying to get an idea of how much will be necessary.

As for existing areas, there is a screened in porch, measuring roughly 8'x8', and a patio measuring roughly 8'x12' or so with no roofing or walls of any type. I had thought about just screening in the patio for the time being and using that, but I actually prefer for it to be open if it's not a permanent workshop solution.

Currently, I only own a circular saw, compound miter saw, drill, stuff like that. I need to get a router, and have been working toward a table saw, but now have to question whether that is a possibility.

Any help you good folks can give me would be greatly appreciated.
