Hi Everybody! I've been scarce lately. No excuse, just stupid things like work and such.

I do want to draw your attention to the new issue of the American Woodturner magazine, and the article on the Freedom Pen Project in there. I am hoping that this article will bring some experienced turners to the Project! This is a good thing that we are doing, and I want to spread that around. I have been awful about actually turning any pens, but I wanted to contribute, and I hope this article meets with your approval!

I also managed to include a short article on the FPP in the current issue of More Woodturning. If you're a woodturner, and you don't get More Woodturning, check them out! And I'm not saying that just because I write a column for them!

But now I need to ask for some help. The Penturners Rendezvous is next week, and I need a really nice flyer to distribute there that will get people involved in the Freedom Pen Project! I know some of you have done really nice flyers for Turn-a-thons, and I suspect that one of those could be modified for the Penturners Rendezvous. If you don't know about the Rendezvous, check out their website: http://www.turtlewoodworks.com/provo04/provo04.htm

So please, if you can help with a flyer, E-Mail me at "scott at penturners dot org". I hope that's explanatory enough without putting me on anybody's spam list!

Thanks in advance for the help! And Keith? I will be sending some pens soon!
