I need more general understanding of Refinishing before tackling a project.

Do you have recommendations on re-finishing books?

(I have Taunton's Guide to Finishing and "Understanding wood finishing" by Bob Flexner)

I have a 12 year old dining table with a peeling finish. I tried varnish remover, planing, scraping and sanding on a spare table insert. They took off the veneer stain unevenly or ate through the thin veneer. The veneer looks OK, so I'll try to refinish it before replacing the table.

I want to try to repair the finish, seal it, and then add a protective finish that will resist dinner-time moisture and heat. Something like fine sanding or steel wool for the flaky stuff, wood oil, shellac sealer and Behlen's Rockhard Varnish. But again, I am new to this kind of refinishing. In the past I have refinished antique american oak furniture, but that was much simpler and more forgiving.