Finally have a chance to post something in here I got back from Spain, UK (Thistle hotel was very nice thanks Jim), Paris, and Egypt!!!! 14 flights later and I have survived... Got some pics of some ancient woodwork (as in 2000+ year old) and I will post them later.

Now for the tool gloat I have been hemmin' and hawen between the PC 890 series routers and the DeWalt 618 series routers. After reading all the reviews I could, I ended up with the DeWalt. Picked it up for $229 (with $50 coupon) for the 3 base version (Plunge, Fixed, and D-handle) from Amazon... it should arrive Monday. The main reason I went that route was that I kept reading that the plunge base would stick, and I did not want to deal with taking a brand new router to the service center for them to fix it. I guess I will need to post some pics once that bad boy arrives