Quote Originally Posted by Simon Dupay View Post
Saw stop- 1 at work -had to replace trunnion, motor, both belts, dust defector and bearings.

jet-1 at cab school- blade drops as your using it (& it's set-up as the dado saw)
grizzly-1 at work-worst cabinet saw I have ever used it would vibrate so much you couldn't set anything down on it & the switch would shut off while making a cut.
The 3 Unisaws I've used never had a problem.
I once considered an import vs domestic. I climbed into the cabinets at woodworker supply one by one and examined the bolts threads of each. i ran my finger along every gear in each one. i examined for sae gradeings.I examined the cut of the gears.The salesguy thought i was some kind of nut,when i told him I dont care if the top is shiney or if the paint is glossy...i want to see what it will be like in 10 or 15 years.Whats going to rust? Whats going to wear out?I did the same thing recently at Wood Craft. I made the same decision as I did the first time. Everyone really should do that for themself.NOTHING has changed in that respect.The tops have simply gotten shiney-er.The internal machineing is still the same. Some good...many CRAP!
Some countries I would be comfortable buying from...some NOT.

I did see a titanium coated saw top recently....now that just strikes me as RETARDED!