Just wondering if anyone knows how I can get in touch with Bob Flexner.

I am reading through his AMAZING book "Understanding Wood Finishing - How to Select and Apply the Right Finish," and suspect there may be an error on P. 85. In a group photo on this page entitled Wiping Varnishes, I see General Finishes' Oil/Urethane Topcoat pictured. Not only does the label on the can specifically say "Oil" on it (I know, that doesn't always mean much), but based on his technique for testing an Oil/Varnish versus a true wiping varnish, G&F's Oil/Varnish Topcoat does appear to in fact contain oil, so it should probably not be classified as a Wiping Varnish, as is implied in the photo.

Can anybody verify this, or know where I might be able to contact Mr. Flexner?

BTW, did I mention this book is AMAZING? I only wish I had read it before most of the other lame books and DVDs I bought on finishing, and all the wasted money and effort I've put into finishing that has been somewhat misguided all along due to lack of knowledge . . .

DISCLAIMER: I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with Bob Flexner or the publisher of the aformentioned publication, nor am I in any position to profit from the above endorsement of it - this is just my genuine opinionof the product.