Well, another weekend has come and gone.

I got a little shop time this weekend, but work took most of it. I have a $60 piece of Gaboon Ebony coming from Curlywoods for this custom knife box I will be jumping into this week. I am waiting for an order to come in from Lee Valley that will have some CSBBQ stuff in the order as well as a router bit that I need for the wooden hinges on this knife box.

Besides the making of this box.....I'm working on the refinishing of this 104 year old Singer Sewing machine. I just got the shellac and stuff from Jeff Jewitt this past Friday. Next week is the delivery time I have for this knife box and time is running out and I have EVERTHING on order.!!!!!!! Next time, I may have to drive to Dallas, TX to get what I need.!!

SO what did you do this weekend?

Best of Weeks to you all.....