I'm curious if anyone here has used a laser printer to produce "signature" labels that can be affixed to your finished projects?

In the past, I have signed my projects (in out of the way locations) using a basic pencil. But my handwriting is terrible, especially when writing on a surface like wood. I've seen recommendations to use a Sharpie pen, woodburners, or engravers, but in my hands these would turn out even worse than a basic pencil.

I've read about using an iron and a "reverse" image to transfer the toner from the paper to the wood. But I don't own an iron, and would be worried about overheating the wood, or otherwise screwing it up.

I'm thinking more along the lines of a clear label that I could print on my laser printer, then affix it to the underside of my project and secure and protect it under the finish. I'm sure I've seen that approach somewhere, but I don't recall what type of paper they used or what the specifics of attaching it to the wood project were.

Anyone have experience doing this?

