Well, another weekend has come and gone. This will be my last week on the "new" work schedule as next week I go back to Mon. - Fri. 8AM to 5PM and I HATE those hours.

ANY-WAY......I spent most of the weekend working, trying to get some sleep, but only got 8 hours from Friday to Sunday...Not bad considering the usual 4 hours I normally get Friday to Monday morning during oncall.

I got some shop time this weekend.!! Spent what little time I had finishing up some Freedom Pens I've been working on. I should have a BUNCH to send in later this week.
<i>I would like to say Thank You to <b>Steve Clardy</B> for pen blanks and "pen kits". All those (40 of them) have been turned.</I>
Today....I plan on doing some TURNING!!!!! I have 3 projects that I still have to get done....the sewing machine restoration, turn a table leg for a guy that has a 3 legged table, and finish up a 3-tier shelf for a guy at work AND I may have 4 knife boxes to do by the middle of October. Other than that, I don't have a thing to do!!!!!

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.