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Thread: Your DSL modem is watching you.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Boise, Idaho
    What constitutes a political discussion? I've seen threads shut down for "political reasons" but could not find anything political, at least in my eyes. Or, are you guys shutting down what you deem controversial discussions?

    Isn't that one of the points of an off topic forum?

    Sure, if the flames become fanned, I'll be the first to want the fire brigade to shut it down but sometimes you guys have a hair trigger.

    One reason I don't go to other forums for these types of discussions is because I know and trust the members here. We are like minded people, most of whom are mature with years of varied experiences who can understand and appreciate topics that go beyond the latest Walt Disney movie.

    These are "interesting" times we live in and they bring up subjects which a lot of us have deep concerns about. I for one would like the ability to express those concerns in a trusting environment.

    Last edited by Burt Alcantara; 04-30-2009 at 4:12 PM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Quote Originally Posted by Burt Alcantara View Post
    What constitutes a political discussion? I've seen threads shut down for "political reasons" but could not find anything political, at least in my eyes. Or, are you guys shutting down what you deem controversial discussions?

    Isn't that one of the points of an off topic forum?

    Sure, if the flames become fanned, I'll be the first to want the fire brigade to shut it down but sometimes you guys have a hair trigger.


    This site is open to folks from all over the planet, obviously from other countries and from a widespread and diverse variety of religions.

    For those reasons, so called "innocent" comments about laws or activities in other countries that would not upset those of us here in Idaho or even the USA might insult folks from other countries even other countries on the North American Continent.

    The Off Topic Forum is here for subjects other than the major woodworking and related topics that have their own forums. The Off Topic Forum is not here for "contriversial" subjects. If you want to discuss religion, politics or do a little verbal whipass on someone, the Creek is not the place to try to do it.

    While you can certainly disagree with someone you can do so only in a civil manner.

    Typically when we edit, close and or move a thread (We never delete threads...they are moved to the Moderator's Forum out of public view) we ask for other Mods opinions. If the majority of Mods feel something was wrongly edited, deleted(even when a post..not a thread is deleted it is viewable by Mods but not the public) or moved, it will be moved back into the forums for public viewing. Dont' think that Mods are just members of a "Good Ole Boys" club either.....we argue among ourselves regularly....and on occassion, we have to apologize to each other. The point is that our Moderator actions are usually a Majority rule event. Sometime we will move a thread first to keep it from igniting instantaneously and then get a majority ruling.
    Last edited by Ken Fitzgerald; 04-30-2009 at 4:25 PM.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Fitzgerald View Post
    . . . Typically when we edit, close and or move a thread . . .
    Sometimes I don't know why a thread was closed or edited. But I often don't know simply because by the time I read it, the mods have already cleaned it up. All I see is something innocuous and I wonder what the big deal is. That's because the problem had already been removed by the time I got there or the thread jumped into the fire after I was there last.

    I'd rather see the mods be over cautious rather than biased as I have seen at other places.
    Last edited by John Schreiber; 04-30-2009 at 11:44 PM. Reason: too tired to write
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  4. Thumbs up

    Hi Burt,
    .... In this case, I can't help but to agree with you especially in "OFF TOPIC DISCUSSION". You impress me as a very flexible and open-minded sort. There comes a point when there is too much sawdust on the floor and you have gone far beyond just living and breathing woodworking. There are more important things in life than woodworking that need to be shared amongst all. It's a shame that you are being scrutinized in a witch-hunt fashion under the label of Political and/or the name of god that might pop up in conversation in an attempt to understand your fellow woodworker just a little better. I have read here at the creek that people have been hesitant for fear of being in violation and have said so. History suggests today's generation will pay the price in the future for these shortcomings.

    Just my thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by Burt Alcantara View Post
    What constitutes a political discussion? I've seen threads shut down for "political reasons" but could not find anything political, at least in my eyes. Or, are you guys shutting down what you deem controversial discussions?

    Isn't that one of the points of an off topic forum?

    Sure, if the flames become fanned, I'll be the first to want the fire brigade to shut it down but sometimes you guys have a hair trigger.

    One reason I don't go to other forums for these types of discussions is because I know and trust the members here. We are like minded people, most of whom are mature with years of varied experiences who can understand and appreciate topics that go beyond the latest Walt Disney movie.

    These are "interesting" times we live in and they bring up subjects which a lot of us have deep concerns about. I for one would like the ability to express those concerns in a trusting environment.

    Every man’s work is always a portrait of himself.

  5. #35
    I can absolutely assure you that if you start discussing politics, within minutes there will be someone making inflammatory postings which will infuriate others, and the flame war will be joined.

    I would love to see a polite, reasoned discussion of current political events, or even of political philosophy, but it ain't going to happen in a public forum like this.

    The mods would be working overtime editing and deleting posts.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Boise, Idaho
    OK. I don't mean to fan fires. My question is innocent. What constitutes a political or religious topic?

    If I said "Obama is a s.o.b," that would be opinion. Maybe, not in the taste mods would prefer but it wouldn't be political. But, "Obama is a nice guy," "Obama is a good/bad president," "Obama is not a republican," "Obama is a socialist," etc... how are these statement evaluated? Should I never say any politician's name? TARP? Bailout? Chrysler/GM/FIAT?

    How about this one: "Merry Christmas, Happy Easter." Innocent? Religious! Possibly offensive to agnostics, atheists, Hindus, Moslems, Buddhists...etc. Yet, allowed. May sound like an absurd statement but all I'm trying to do is find what the boundries are.

    You can no longer say..."nothing political or religious" without creating definitions soundling like Dewey, Cheatum and Howe.

    Once again, I'm not throwing gasoline on a burning fire. Just some thought for "Off Topic."


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Henderson View Post
    I can absolutely assure you that if you start discussing politics, within minutes there will be someone making inflammatory postings which will infuriate others, and the flame war will be joined.

    I would love to see a polite, reasoned discussion of current political events, or even of political philosophy, but it ain't going to happen in a public forum like this.

    The mods would be working overtime editing and deleting posts.

    I agree Mike, I belong to another forum which started an experiment called "Tavern on the Screen" which was a forum where you could discuss politics, religion etc.

    Many of the threads start out with good discussions, and I learn a lot from them.

    It's an American forum, and being Canadian I'm often teasingly branded as a socialist when health care comes up, however the discussion stays factual and some of us learn things/change our outlook or viewpoint.

    Then it goes to hell in a hand cart with people making inflammatory comments, the politics becomes left vs right instead of reasoned discussion and we all lose out.

    It's too bad that we focus on "being right" instead of being educated in some of those discussions.

    Regards, Rod.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Boise, Idaho
    I'm all for locking down threads if they get inflammatory. I've seen a few threads on the Creek that were extremely inflammatory with a lot of name calling. Had nothing to do with politics or religion. In the end, the participants kissed and made up. That's why I participate in SMC. Members are thoughtful, considerate, respectful and mature in ways I've not found on other boards.


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    It is impractical for me or anyone else to try to define political or religious content as they are applied here at The Creek. It can't be done and we can't even come up with definitions that would be approved by our Staff, much less the huge numbers of people who belong to this Community.

    I leave these kinds of decisions up to our Moderators. Even though I may disagree with some calls and they may disagree with me at times we try to moderate our forums the best we can.

    Everyone knows that SawMill Creek is a "Privately Owned Moderated Forum" and the rules here are based on what is best for the majority...not individuals. I have made this statement hundreds of times over the last six years and our position is not likely to ever change. The reason it won't change is not because of my personal preference....this is exactly what the majority of this Community wants and they have spoken load and clear, time and time again and I listen when the majority speaks.

    From Section I of our Terms of Service:
    In addition, SawMill Creek shall have the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to edit, refuse or delete any Content that it reasonably considers to violate these Terms without notice. You understand and agree that the service is provided "AS-IS" and that SawMill Creek assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, mis-delivery or failure to store any user communications.
    Last edited by Keith Outten; 05-01-2009 at 11:09 AM.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Boise, Idaho
    100% agreement!


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