I learned the the Machine toolmaker trade the hard way. I stole it in microscopic bits and pieces and I ate up every bone any one would throw at me.

I learned wood working the old fashioned way. I stumbled upon every single thing all by myself. Necessity was the mother of self education.
I was earning $3.25 an hour in a production machine shop and my little family needed furniture in the worst way. So I made it.

I bought new a Sears Track sander a B&B vibrator, a B&D hand drill and a Sears Contractor saw, and some real nice guy gave me a whole set of hand planes ( yah just gave 'em to me). I was staggerblasted, no one ever gave me nuthin.

My very first project was a set of ginormous bunk beds for the girls made from construction lumber 6*6 pine post stock made up the 4 posts. 2*8s made the side and end frames and I dadoed screwed and glued in shelve supports for the mattress supports.

Next project was living room furniture. I bought maple ripped it jointed it and planed it making a butcher block set, The seat sides were 2" thick and the coffee and two end tables were 1.5" thick. The stuff was heavy. I still have the coffee table in my TV room. The rest was recycled for grand kids toys.

Next project was a 12 string guitar. Hey~!! I couldn't afford one so I made one. I modeled mine after a guy's Martin which he destroyed by falling asleep at the wheel of his jeep coming home from VA. He asked me if I could fix his guitar and I did it, while copying it.

The neck ended up being a tad hard to play cause I just didn't dare make it as slender as I should have but, I played that guitar for years and years and years. Still have it. It's been wrecked in flood and the glue was Yellow glue so repairs are not much of an option. Besides I have a custom Martin now.