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Thread: Have ever been 100% happy with something you built

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Camas, Wa
    Well if you put it that way, the answer is still never 100% satisfied.

  2. #32
    I had a 100% perfect project once.

    And then I put down the pencil and paper and headed out to the shop...............

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    No, however I do learn from every project, and so far they've been improving so I'm on the right track.........Rod.

  4. #34
    Well, I was about to say, "my son", but I had help making him. Plus, he's only 8 months, so I'm certain my satisfaction level will change in the future.

    Not all chemicals are bad. Without hydrogen or oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Chain Of Lakes, Nortern Illinois
    Lets see, decided to have the perfect project...

    Created Daughter Number 1, well that one on reflection was near perfect but was missing something, back the drawing board...

    Created Son Number 1, this time desgin was right and form was near perfection, but function left a little to be desired.. so....

    Created Daughter Number 2, Ahh now as perfect as she looks on the outside, when set next to Son 1 and Daughter 1, appreant "mishaps" are showing up.....

    Created Son 2, WOW, now what looks good on paper..... well you get the idea. Wife then said "Enough! Go buy a tool and build something, Anything!"

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Oak Creek, Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cordery View Post
    I have built lots of things furniture shelving decks additions reno rooms on and on but I can allways fined fault with my own work. Tell me boys (girls too just a figure of speech) will I ever find perfection Yoda. It allways seems I get rushed at some point in time and see that spot later.
    Nope, never built anything that I consider perfect and don't expect that I ever will. But, I do enjoy the quest for perfection. My greatest expectation is to not make the same mistake more than a few dozen times.

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  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Baltimore, Md
    I am typically 100% satisfied with a finished project, but I always remember things I will strive to do better next time. But I won't call it finished unless I am 100% satisfied with a project.
    "The element of competition has never worried me, because from the start, I suppose I realized wood contains so much inspiration and beauty and rhythm that if used properly it would result in an individual and unique object." - James Krenov

    What you do speaks so loud, I cannot hear what you say. -R. W. Emerson

  8. #38
    Finished building a solid mahogany electric guitar, (my first), and I was not really happy/satisfied/wanted to make it better...My friend and I put it together and they say it sounds Great! Well, I'm happy with that, they love it and I gain the experience of doing something that someone appreciates and will last. My next task is to try and not make me happy, (though working in the shop does already,) but think of the end result on the wall, etc. I am my worst critic.
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    Dan Manning

  9. #39
    To answer the question, no I've never built anything that I thought was 100% perfect. There's always something, if not, the wood will move (which is actually worse because you make something you think is almost perfect and then it moves).

    My high school shop teacher gave me a piece of advice that I still use today. He said "Once you build it and finish it, just shut up about it." Which is to say don't go around pointing all the flaws and mistakes you made building the darn thing because THEY won't know until YOU point it out.

    Whenever he had an open house it would drive him crazy when all the kids would only talk about the mistakes they made, and how they messed up the pattern here and there. He would say to us the next day, "Why did you guys point that out, why didn't you just shut up about it and let them enjoy the project? They don't care." So as when I start thinking about the mistakes I made on a project I say to myself "Why don't you just shut up about that, and let someone enjoy the project." I find this really helps.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    In the foothills of the NM Sandia Mountains
    I have made many “perfect” parts & assemblies out of metal when I was a machinist but I have never made the perfect woodworking piece.
    Don’t think I ever will.
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    "The older I get, the better I used to be."
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  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    If you guys have seen the pictures I posted,you will see that I hardly ever make furniture. If I do,it's to please my wife. So,I can say if she's happy with it it's perfect. Other projects have to be more perfect!!

  12. #42
    I'm surprised that so many are so unhappy with their work...

    "Have you ever been 100% happy with something you built ?"

    To specifically answer that question: yes, I have completed at least 4 projects that I'm 100% happy with. I can think of 2 others that I'm about 70/80% happy with. I do tend to take a long time in the planning stage of my projects as well as the execution.


  13. #43
    I've never built a "perfect" piece. Even if it's just the finish that has a blemish, there's always something. Once in a very great while I'll mess something up so badly that I'll toss it into the fireplace. But almost all oopsies are fixable to the point where they're not a problem.

    I've found that if I don't tell anyone about the imperfections they don't notice them (or are too polite to say so ). And if I come back a while later, somehow I don't really notice them much either.

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Dallas, TX
    sure. i built a TV stand for my apartment and i was 100% happy that the TV was no longer on the floor.

    other than that, i'm usually satisfied if i just finish something. i know its not perfect and it neither will the next one, but it feels good to be done, learn what to do differently, and move on.

    i can always chalk it up to not having good enough tools

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Camas, Wa
    Quote Originally Posted by Garrett Ellis View Post
    i can always chalk it up to not having good enough tools
    I used that line to justify better tools and can no longer use it to justify my mistakes.

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