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Thread: Need more dc advice please

  1. #1

    Need more dc advice please

    Thank you everyone for responding to my recent request. Here is my situation. I am a hobbyist using a 2 car garage for my workshop. I have a Delta 50-760 with a Wynn cannister filter and a garbage can lid separator. The Delta has a wye which splits into two 4 inch outlets. One of the outlets goes to the garbage can separator which connects to my jointer/planer combo. The other outlet goes to my cabinet TS which has a 4 inch outlet in back and an excalibur overarm blade guard/dust collector. There is also a limb off this outlet that goes to my BS which has a 4 inch outlet in back and another 4 inch hose under the table very close to where the blade passes by.The TS and BS have separate blast gates. I have a JDS air cleaner hanging from the ceiling. After reading on the clearvue website, I purchased a Dylos air monitor to try and make sense of whether I was doing any good. I made some cuts with the BS and TS last night with the Dylos running and found that the BS dust collection was good but ripping plywood on the TS was not. I have also noted that when I tap on the Wynn filter that fine dust drops down. I would love to put in an Oneida cyclone but I have no wall space left . My Delta sits in the middle of the garage surrounded by the TS and jointer/planer. The BS is about 10 feet away. Am I getting fine dust in the Wynn filter because the TS and BS don't go through a separator ? I see that JDS has a portable 3hp cyclone which has a small footprint and 2300 cfm ( almost hard to believe ). One of the responses to my previous posts suggested a super dust deputy for separation and to keep the filter clean.
    Sorry for the long winded question, I would appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you so much !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Blog Entries
    You have a few things going on. First, my overarm was a benefit but never really performed well until I upped my DC capability. You could test by hooking your DC to only the overarm as testing the pickup in that configuration. If your overarm suddenly acts like you'd expect (as was the case for me) you probably just have a raw horsepower (I use that term figuratively) issue.

    Second, you are getting fines in your filter because that is his job. The separator removes the bulk of the big stuff and lets the finer dust pass to the filter where it is removed from the air that then passes back into the shop. The better the pre-separation, the finer the stuff going on to the filter and the longer it is between cleanings.

    My trash can separator was a great improvement in my old system but, was nothing like the stem to stern designed system I am running now. Do your best to create a healthy environment but don't kill yourself trying to make a cobbled system something it is not; DAMHIKT. Once you have done some diligent work towards making your system all it can be (within reason), relax and enjoy your shop time and improved environment.

    If health concerns push you to the next step the way they did me, so be it. I almost totally rearranged my shop to suit the cyclone and have no regrets. I did run for a long time without the bells and whistles and there are still many doo-dads I don't have and may never have. For now, enjoy. If your future holds a cyclone, you'll get there.

    P.s The way my cyclone is installed, the footprint is 24" x 52" which is less space than my bagger + trashcan rig took up. I actually gained space. Here's a pic before I shortened the blower to filter hose and added the muffler:
    Last edited by glenn bradley; 10-24-2009 at 1:51 PM.
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Jim, Glenn makes some good points in his reply to your post.

    You don't have enough airflow for either the cabinet saw or the overam guard.

    I spent lots of time on dust collection, essentially trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

    I finally purchased the 1.5HP Oneida Component cyclone, with external filter.

    Once installed it took care of all the issues, and saved floor space.

    It is worth doing it right............Regards, Rod.

  4. #4
    I believe there are other SMC'ers on the forum with the Delta 50-760 who have made extensions and raised the height to accommodate a Super Dust Deputy below. Foot print is same as long as you have no height clearance issues, this should work fine.


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