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Thread: Newlydraw Alternative Board/Program

  1. #1

    Newlydraw Alternative Board/Program

    I have an Artsign JSM3040U 50 watt laser running Newlydraw thru USB.

    Are there any other boards I can buy so I can run a program better than Newlydraw?

    Are there any programs that will control this laser in place of Newlydraw?

    I have found out how to engrave and cut. What I finally want to do is import images and drawings into Newlydraw and engrave/cut them, but I don't have CorelDRAW or any Cad programs. Any ideas?

    This Newbie thanks anyone who can help. I hope to be able to return the favor some day.


  2. #2
    You can use "inkscape" which is a free vector program to make drawings then export them as dxf files. You need to add a plugin to inkscape to export dxf. I can't remember the exact name of the plugin but if you decide to try it I will post the link here.

    Newleydraw imports the dxf

    this is the cheapest way rather than replacing the board which is possible but not straightforward.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Belo Horizonte, Brazil
    Do a search in cnczone web site. Maybe you can find some help.

  4. #4

    Yes, please post the link! I've tried using Inkscape but the only format it will save in is .svg.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Belo Horizonte, Brazil

  6. #6
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    Use the Search engine in the above link for NEWLYDRAW .... lots of posts about .

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Norberto, direct links to other forums are against this site's TOS. I have already flagged that post for removal.
    Hi-Tec Designs, LLC -- Owner (and self-proclaimed LED guru )

    Trotec 80W Speedy 300 laser w/everything
    CAMaster Stinger CNC (25" x 36" x 5")
    USCutter 24" LaserPoint Vinyl Cutter
    Jet JWBS-18QT-3 18", 3HP bandsaw
    Robust Beauty 25"x52" wood lathe w/everything
    Jet BD-920W 9"x20" metal lathe
    Delta 18-900L 18" drill press

    Flame Polisher (ooooh, FIRE!)
    Freeware: InkScape, Paint.NET, DoubleCAD XT
    Paidware: Wacom Intuos4 (Large), CorelDRAW X5

  8. #8
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    Joe, go here for a plugin for improved DXF output from Inkscape:

    Even without this plug-in, though, Inkscape should have no problem saving as a DXF. Make sure you're selecting "Save as" and choosing the correct format from the drop-down menu.
    Hi-Tec Designs, LLC -- Owner (and self-proclaimed LED guru )

    Trotec 80W Speedy 300 laser w/everything
    CAMaster Stinger CNC (25" x 36" x 5")
    USCutter 24" LaserPoint Vinyl Cutter
    Jet JWBS-18QT-3 18", 3HP bandsaw
    Robust Beauty 25"x52" wood lathe w/everything
    Jet BD-920W 9"x20" metal lathe
    Delta 18-900L 18" drill press

    Flame Polisher (ooooh, FIRE!)
    Freeware: InkScape, Paint.NET, DoubleCAD XT
    Paidware: Wacom Intuos4 (Large), CorelDRAW X5

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Belo Horizonte, Brazil
    Sorry.... I need to read the TOS again with more atention.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Hintz View Post
    Joe, go here for a plugin for improved DXF output from Inkscape:

    Even without this plug-in, though, Inkscape should have no problem saving as a DXF. Make sure you're selecting "Save as" and choosing the correct format from the drop-down menu.
    Both Inkscape DXF exports are lousy. I use Inkscape's PostScript export, then convert it to a DXF with pstoedit. This technique even gets you DXF splines.

  11. #11
    yes the plugin link as in the above post.

    also yes inkscape should export dxf but the plugin makes it a smoother more reliable export (for me anyway)

    sketchup exports dxf in the pro version
    in the free version you need another plugin to export dxf

    there are also some linux, free cad programs I think.

  12. #12
    Hey guys, thanks for all the input. I've been trying so many variations my head is about to explode.

    I tried the plugin for Inkcape but still no "save as" .dxf option. If I try to open something in Newlydraw that isn't exactly right, if crashes.

    I finally created a file in Inkscape and exported as BMP, but Newlydraw still crashes when I try to open the file. What's the difference between "Import" and "Open"?

    Does anyone know if I can scan directly into Newlydraw? That would be great.

    OpenDraw, on the other hand, will export DXF, but only drawings created in that program. I'd like to know if I can scan into OpenDraw, but it's all in French.

    Do you guys think if I break down and buy CorelDraw that I will be able to successfully scan drawings and get them into Newlydraw OK?

    My final goal is to scan line drawings and cut them out.

    Frustrated In Colorado

  13. #13
    yes you should import the dxf, not open it. Newleydraw will crash if you try and open dxf files. file/Import them and it should be fine.

  14. #14
    dxf is for line drawings (vector drawings) if you are scanning artwork it should be in a bitmap format and should be imported into newleydraw. The you can use photoshop to scan and save as bmp. Or Gimp is a free photo editing program. You only need dxf for vectors.

    You can either cut or engrave vectors (engrave = scan option in newlydraw)
    you can only engrave bmp files

    buying coral draw isnt necessary to do what you want. I have the same machine and newlydraw and can do everything with the free softwares mentioned.

    make sure you have the latest inkscape version. I can export dxf from mine (it is on a mac but I think the pc version is the same)
    Last edited by carl stevenson; 11-11-2009 at 7:37 PM.

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