Think I will check the price of the citrus based remover...afraid to even consider the soy; shucks the wood in the piano is probably worth more than the piano...(yes, I thought about it but the little guy on my shoulder opposite the guy with the pitchfork said don't do it ). Anyway the daughter wants it, so salvaging the wood is not an option anyway.

I was working on removing butyl rubber sealant from an RV this afternoon, and tried alcohol and acetone, the second of which I swear by, but neither phased the sealant mess.

Then I turned to plain old gasoline...and..yes, it worked fine. Was out on the driveway, so with care was very safe. An thinking now of doing the same thing with the piano. I can weld up a simple mobile frame and have two dollys that will take that weight, so I can move it to the carport or on out onto the driveway. Apply the gasoline to get a very wetted surface, let it soak in, then scrape. Think I will try the back side first.

I could take the top off and run through my PM209HH, but I don't think I can get the sides off. Since the bottom front is movable, it is probably removable too. That would be perhaps more than half the total surface. Worth the effort if the gasoline does not work. I expect the soy to be expensive like the citrus based remover.

The industrial R-21 sounds like what I had used in the past....really strong stuff. The orange paste burned my nose like the blade cleaner that Grizzly sells...fantastic stuff ...but it is caustic...and takes extreme care to use, particularly the eyes...they don't grow back! A professional stripper is not in the cards...if he can do it, I can do it if I can get the same chemicals. The R-21 sounds like where I need to head...even before the gasoline. Problem is, I don't need 5 gallons.

Thanks a bunch guys for all the ideas. I am under time pressure now...get this done, plus get all the Christmas stuff made. And I thought retirement was supposed to be easier....