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Thread: Woo hoo -- pellet stove GLOAT!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Woo hoo -- pellet stove GLOAT!!

    Picking up my new pellet stove for the workshop tomorrow!

    I chose the Enviro "Mini" for those who care.

    Pulled the permit just a few minutes ago. I should be warm and toasty by end of Thanksgiving week!

    Pictures to come...

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    Last edited by Jason White; 11-24-2009 at 7:00 PM.

  2. What's the gloat? Get it for free?

    Don't forget you can claim it on your taxes.. I think... At least it's eligible...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    No, not free. Quite expensive, actually. But, I've been living for 5 years without any heat whatsoever out there and it gets down to single digits here during the winter.


    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Hildenbrand View Post
    What's the gloat? Get it for free?

    Don't forget you can claim it on your taxes.. I think... At least it's eligible...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Amherst, Oh
    No offense but I think alot of people on here misuse the term gloat. I always thought it was when you got something for really cheap.

    Let us know how you like it though. Those things are really hot right now. (ba dum, ching!)

  5. That's what I was thinking... I've saved like $50 on stuff before, but never considered it gloat worthy.. Let alone worth a picture of Bill Murray pointing at me, telling me I suck..

    But at any rate.. Enjoy the heat... It's something that's sorely missed when you find it gone and end up working in your thermal underwear..
    Last edited by Keith Outten; 11-25-2009 at 8:11 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mansfield MA
    I'll not get into the "philosophy of a gloat" discussion, but I will definitely add my congrats! It does get cold around here, and I can't imagine having my shop w/out heat! (mine is in the basement, so it stays "just right"...)
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Washington State
    Now we're wasting time debating the rules for gloating? Bah.

    People can gloat over whatever they want. Who cares? It's not like threads bragging about getting a craigslist deal are any more important than a thread about getting heat in your workshop. Both are pretty useless if you really want to be nitpicky about it.

    Hey Jason, CONGRATS on the heat!

  8. My shop is in the basement too and it stay... Just cold... I should tap into the heating ducts.

    Dad always used one of those turbo heaters? Things that looked and sounded like a jet engine? Always got the place nice and warm PDQ, but noisy suckers.

    Those pellet stoves are so bloody supper efficient.. Should work out great for you... Buddy of mine has one and LOVES it.. Very little ash output, auto feed and thermostat driven.. It's like a geeks fireplace..

    Q though.. In designs like that, how hot does the outside get? I'd considered one for the house several times, but with a 4yo running around I worry about them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Milwaukee, WI
    Considering I am using a little ceramic heater on my workbench in my uninsulated shop I think this is a pretty good gloat.

    Congrats on being able to work comfortably all winter.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Western Maryland
    From someone who is battling the heat issue, CONGRATS!
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Congrats I know how you feel I have never had heat in my garage shop either but last week end I installed a new hanging gas furnace. Trouble is it was too unseasonably warm to use it. I looked at pellet stoves too, I have a corn burner/pellet fire place in the house and 4000 pounds of pellet so I thought real hard about one but gas seems easier and takes less room and less money too. There is a corn/pellet burning forum called has a lot of good info.


  12. #12
    I use a 220v heater as well as over head infrared.Start it in the morning before the bacon and eggs. The 220 heater is so expensive to run, I might as well be burning money.
    I find your pellet stove gloat worthy just for the cool look factor.

  13. #13
    Hey Congratulations Jason! You'll have to give us some pics on the install.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    Seems Gloat Worthy To Me!

    Nothing better than working in a warm comfortable shop when its bitter cold or snowing outside.
    I'm a woodburning fan myself, its plentiful in my area and cheap. I keep telling myself I will add a wood stove to my workshop every year but life gets in the way of the project

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Griswold Connecticut

    I'm envious for sure. I have a portable Kero heater for the winter here in CT. I keep thinking about a pellet stove, but............

    Nice gloat.
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