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Thread: BCTW CS-2 Centerscribe - How useful do you think one of these might be?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Baton Rouge LA
    Come on how can you not see it? At the end of one paragraph he is talking about how Maloof called the tools "beautiful" and he uses them all the time, and the first line in the next paragraph starts off with how much craftsmanship meant to sam. obviously referring to the tools, "if they're good enough for sam they're good enough for me" mentality. Then he goes as far as recounting an actual purchase by maloof. this is shameless and obvious!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    San Antonio TX
    Quote Originally Posted by James Taglienti View Post
    Come on how can you not see it? At the end of one paragraph he is talking about how Maloof called the tools "beautiful" and he uses them all the time, and the first line in the next paragraph starts off with how much craftsmanship meant to sam. obviously referring to the tools, "if they're good enough for sam they're good enough for me" mentality. Then he goes as far as recounting an actual purchase by maloof. this is shameless and obvious!
    Yeah, then he mentions his poke at Sam's $35k chairs...maybe he is going to miss him because he is one of the few people that can afford may have been unintentional, but it does smell a bit fishy. The only thing of theirs that I thought might be worth investing in was the mini-multi anyhoo, and thats still a bit out of my price range.
    That which does not kill you will likely raise your insurance premiums.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Kansas City, MO
    I don't think that he (John Economaki) was making a big pitch for his tools. His business is making high end woodworking tools. He is recounting his personal experiences with Sam Maloof, a high end woodworker. Their relationship is based on their respective vocations and their shared visions of craftsmanship. I think the reference to BCTW is merely a personal reference anchor to the story.

    At least that is my read on it.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Wonderful article, a touching heartfelt eulogy.

    Thanks for posting that...........Regards, Rod.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    NY, NY

    Maloof article

    This is a little off the thread but I rather liked the article. It wasn't meant to be a biography of Sam Maloof. Rather it was about the personal experience of John Economaki and how his encounter with the great man influenced his life and work. The description of his last meeting with Maloof seems sincere. The fact that it involved showing off one of his BC tools was nothing more than showing him his fledgling carpentry skills many years earlier which he describes. Maloof was still the master to please.

    I appreciate the quality of the Bridge City tools very much. We all pride ourselves on excellence in ways that are as varied as is our community of characters. Working with a wonderful tool, whether in aesthetics or function - or both - inspires me to do my own best work. Bridge City is beyond my price range for the most part so I have to look for inspiration in other ways. That still leaves me to understand and appreciate the creativity and craftsmanship of the tools.

    All that being said...I know I have a pencil and some dowel around here

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