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Thread: buyer's remorse:Jet 1642

  1. #46
    Well, Everyone,
    I walked in to Woodcraft today, still not knowing for sure which way I was going to go, but leaning PM.

    I just couldn't get that $1100 out of my wallet for the PM, and went with the 1642. If I knew for sure what I would most enjoy turning, I might have gone with the PM, but coming from a mini, I just couldn't pull the trigger on the mustard. Man, what a machine.

    Thanks for all the help. I get it in a week or so, and I'll report back.

  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Pruitt View Post
    Hey! Watch it!
    Hartley put you up to that didn't he!!!

    Hartley made me promise not to say anything about why I did it or who was the instigator.


  3. #48
    Mike, I got a Nova 1624-44 with outboard rest, just got the McNaughton system (standard).I turn almost every day for fun and love my setup, most of my bowls are under 16", 10"-14" range. I was going for the 1642 but this was cheaper and a little smaller. If you are looking to turn for money go as BIG as you can afford, borrow if need be. If you are like me and its a hobby, i can't believe the 1642 won't keep you turning for a long time! Good Luck, Skip

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Northern California
    Quote Originally Posted by Reed Gray View Post
    Well, as a former concrete finisher, I like things over built rather than under built:PM. As someone who sells, the PM paid for itself 3 times the first year, which wasn't profit, it just paid for all the other things that I needed to turn. I seldom turn anything over 16 inches in diameter, that range is more of a specialized market, and also much more expensive. The Jet will serve you well, and you can always upgrade later. I really notice it when I turn on a smaller lathe (less torque/horespower), I can't hog waste off like I can on the big lathe.

    robo hippy
    Just curious Reed, what are the things you needed to turn in the first year? For 3520 owners, I came close to buying a 3520 last year, but I just can't see myself needing the larger swing that often. I am sure my back wouldn't like dealing with stock that large either . Am I wrong about this? Do you guys honestly use all the swing the 3520 provides?

  5. #50
    Join Date
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    torrance, Ca
    this thread is nearly 3 years old, its unlikely Reed will see this, you might want to just message him.

  6. #51
    Join Date
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    Schaumburg, IL
    Theres a saying, buy expensive cry once, buy cheap cry forever. While both are great choices I think after the PM3520 shows up at your door you will forget about the price difference and be happy.

    On the flip side if you get the 1642, each time you try to turn something larger then 16", you will be kicking yourself for not getting the larger lathe.

    I think the larger swing makes all the difference because you said you turn bowls.

    In the end, both lathes are great but I know there are times I wish I had a larger swing on my 1442.

  7. #52
    I have a 1642 and it will probably be the last lathe I buy, unless I get another one for the GF to use!
    Once it is level it is a very stable machine, it has plenty of power for big wet logs.
    The 3520 is a nice machine as well and if I had the expendable funds at the time may have went a step further but I have no regrets.
    Think of this, if you get the 1642, you will have money left to get chucks, tools, and other accessories!
    You will be happy either way you go.

  8. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Malcolm Tibbetts View Post
    Mike, only you can answer your question. It really depends upon where you are headed. Over the past 15 years, I have "up-graded" about 5 or 6 times; each time spending more and more and selling off my previous machines for big losses.
    I totally agree here. If you're in this for the long haul, spend the big money once. It will be cheaper in the long run... I have the 3520 and LOVE it, but I have to say, that the 1642 is a pretty outstanding lathe for the money.
    I don't turn big that much, so TECHNICALLY, I don't "need" the big lathe, but when a smaller piece is out of balance, it's nice to have the mass.
    Other than swing and weight, I think the 1642 does everything else.
    When I was making this decision, I fell into enough extra cash that it became a non-issue... I've had the big lathe now for about 5 years and have no intention of trading up. If you can scrounge up the difference, you won't be sorry and it WILL save you money in the long run (IMHO).
    Change One Thing

  9. #54
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    Green Valley, Az.
    Both lathes will be a big step up from what you have now. You'll be happy with either one. I say let your budget be your guide. The $1100 difference will buy lots of tools, chucks, etc.

    I must say, I get a bit of a chuckle out of young guys who say get the best because it'll be your last lathe purchase. Baloney! You have no idea what improvements will come with the next generation of lathes. My present lathe, a big Oneway, is my ninth lathe in 70+ years of woodturning. Each one better than the last one. And I enjoyed turning on all of them.


  10. #55
    Join Date
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    Harvey, Michigan
    I hope everyone realizes that this thread is almost 3 years old....

    “You never know what you got til it's gone!”
    Please don’t let that happen!
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  11. Another motor problem reported on the 1642 evs-2

    There is a new poster on the AAW turners forum that is reporting replacement of 2 motors on his new Jet 1642 evs-2.

    In case anyone is interested, as to Jets response, it seem to be good so far.

  12. #57
    You cannot compare a 1442 to a 1642.
    1642 is a great machine, a 1442 is a good machine.
    Variable electronic speed, reverse, LOTS of bang for the bucks.

  13. my post is current

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Schlumpf View Post
    I hope everyone realizes that this thread is almost 3 years old....
    I posted about another motor problem being spoken of today 3/15/2010 on another forum, as current, related to a new purchaser of the 1642 evs-2. I thought it might be something for newer owners to monitor with their machines, in case it might be a development for them.

    Jet seems to be aware of the problem and seems to be trying to remedy the problem by replacing the motors.

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    Roger - you are responding to my post dated 2/28. It had nothing to do with today's post on motor problems - just a heads up for folks checking out the thread for the first time.

    “You never know what you got til it's gone!”
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  15. my concern

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Schlumpf View Post
    Roger - you are responding to my post dated 2/28. It had nothing to do with today's post on motor problems - just a heads up for folks checking out the thread for the first time.
    Thanks Steve,

    I thought I would mention this new purchaser and his motor problems because as of late there have been a number of folks on this forum who have purchased the Jet.

    I only wanted them to be aware, and monitor in case they had the same thing develop. In retrospect, I probably should have just started a new thread, as I did not know this one was so old.

    By the way, I think the Jet is a good machine [I almost bought one in December 2009, but decided on the new Grizzly 18/47] and I am not trying to "trash" any machine. The only reason I went with the Grizzly was more swing and longer length between centers, and the introductory price also entered my mind.

    If you think it would be better to start a new thread with the same info, then I could certainly do that. Thanks

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