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Thread: Another case of bad vendor service

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Bradenton, Fl

    Another case of bad vendor service

    I took advantage of the Jet/Powermatic 4 day sale and ordered a PM1300 from CPO Powermatic as they were the only vendor with free shipping. I waited over a week but they still had not shipped the DC. I sent an email but no answer so I finally called them to find out what the delay was and they told me it was on back order until late April (a sale item). I cancelled the order and ordered a G0548Z from Grizzly. An email stating that the DC was on back order would have helped plus they charged my Amex when I ordered.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I have gotten good service from CPO Bosch but it was always on smaller items. The outfit that can keep CS high during these times is a rare beast and I steer my money toward them to reward their efforts.

    The items you cite could have saved or killed the sale but the someone, anyone, no one rule won out. The email would have delivered bad news but set the right expectation. Better yet, you should have been warned before committing to the order. The lack of response to your email amplified things and charging before shipping is just plain wrong.

    Someone should have done something, anyone could have but no one did. End result, lost sale and bad press.
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Bucks County, Pennsylvania
    I too have bought a few items and have had no problems.

  4. #4
    When I ordered my PM 66 from CPO it finally arrived at my house about 1 1/2 weeks after my original arrival date that I was given by CPO. It wouldn't have been a problem but I called them during the process and was lied to by the sales rep and a supervisor during separate phone calls about the saw being shipped. Estes was the shipper and they had no record of even a pickup order until the last time I called. The sales rep told me they had notified Estes of a pickup, when they hadn't and the supervisor told me that the saw had shipped, when it hadn't (and didn't until days later). Estes was great to work with by the way. I won't do business with CPO anymore.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Tualatin, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Parrish View Post
    I took advantage of the Jet/Powermatic 4 day sale and ordered a PM1300 from CPO Powermatic as they were the only vendor with free shipping. I waited over a week but they still had not shipped the DC. I sent an email but no answer so I finally called them to find out what the delay was and they told me it was on back order until late April (a sale item). I cancelled the order and ordered a G0548Z from Grizzly. An email stating that the DC was on back order would have helped plus they charged my Amex when I ordered.
    I had the exact same experience when I tried to order a PM2000. I was charged immediately and a week went by with no updates or correspondence. I emailed to request an update which was when I was informed that it was on backorder for an undetermined amount of time. I canceled the order and it took another week's worth of calling for them to refund my money.

    Is it unreasonable to think that they should check the item's availability before charging the credit card? They can get an authorization for the amount without actually charging it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Bradenton, Fl
    Rob, I'm glad you got your money back, that's what I'm worried about. I always charge large purchases on my Amex and reverse the charges when I have problems. They have always taken my position in disputes. I normal buy all my tools from Amazon but this time their price was $770.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Monroe, MI
    I don't think they actually stock any of the big stuff but rather have it drop-shipped to you--so they don't even know whether the item is available when you order. I had a similar experience with an edge sander, only I called them, they called Powermatic to confirm availability, called me back to take my order, and then a few days later found out Powermatic had been wrong. But I only found out when I called them and they started looking into it.

    I wouldn't be surprised that the notification problem is them not being notified by Powermatic that the item is on backorder so they don't even know.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Bradenton, Fl
    Mat, This was 4 day sale by Jet/Powermatic. I received an email announcing a 40% off from them. Why would they have a sale if they didn't have the stock. Also while waiting for my shipment the sale expired and I was unable to buy at that price again!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Monroe, MI
    I'm not saying its right or wrong, but I'm pretty sure thats how they do the large equipment, and they aren't the only one. Just one more way to make the price a little lower--don't carry the inventory costs. Unless you found one in stock somewhere else (as opposed to someone who drop-ships,) I bet you would have experienced the same back order delay.

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