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Thread: Woodworking with a pacemaker

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Upland CA

    Woodworking with a pacemaker

    Well I just got home from a fun filled 2 week, 5 'procedure' visit to the local hospital. The short version is...I now have a pacemaker.

    I got to speak to an engineer who works for the company that made it and he gave me some tips which I can pass on here if anyone wants them.

    My question to the panel....Do any pacemaker users (no defibrilator) have any tips from experience to share. What can I expect? Does it really affect you in the shop?

    Mine comes on when the heart goes below (I think) 70 BPM.

    Rick Potter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hot Springs, VA
    It should be no interference between your pM and ww machines. If you will not putting current thru your body, PM function would not change.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Hartland of Michigan
    I've had mine for 8 months. It kicks in at under 60 bpm like yours does.
    I had asked my doctor if it would in any way be affected by power tools in the shop. He said no. He did say to stay away from gas powered weed whips, edgers, chainsaws, things like that. They produce a signal from the magneto and spark plug. The lawn tractor is ok because of the distance from the engine, and the metal shielding.
    I have experienced no problems at all.

    KEEP MAGNETS AWAY FROM IT! Putting one over it will turn it off..
    Last edited by Myk Rian; 03-26-2010 at 9:35 AM.
    Never, under any circumstances, consume a laxative and sleeping pill, on the same night

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Potter View Post
    Well I just got home from a fun filled 2 week, 5 'procedure' visit to the local hospital. The short version is...I now have a pacemaker.

    I got to speak to an engineer who works for the company that made it and he gave me some tips which I can pass on here if anyone wants them.

    My question to the panel....Do any pacemaker users (no defibrilator) have any tips from experience to share. What can I expect? Does it really affect you in the shop?

    Mine comes on when the heart goes below (I think) 70 BPM.

    Rick Potter
    I am not sure what would be worse. Getting a pacemaker or being out of the shop for 2 weeks! Hope you're feeling better!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Upland CA
    Wow, Myk. I just bought a new gas weed trimmer. I probably would not have thought of that one.

    Rick Potter

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Savannah, GA

    Sorry to hear that you were out of your shop for two weeks, but I'm really glad you got everything "fixed" and now have the pacer. I'm guessing you're going to feel a lot better. Good doctors, good equipment = good outcome!

    I'm coming up on six weeks that I will be out of commission - not looking forward to it!

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    Everybody knows what to do with the devil but them that has him. My Grandmother
    I had a guardian angel at one time, but my little devil got him drunk, tattooed, and left him penniless at a strip club. I have not had another angel assigned to me yet.
    I didn't change my mind, my mind changed me.
    Bella Terra

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