Quote Originally Posted by Teresa Jones
I am working on a headboard and it is curved across the top. I am using 3/4 Cherry plywood and the jigsaw did not leave the smoothest of cuts.

Short of hours of hand sanding, is there anything I can use on plywood to cut the edges smooth, flowing and even?

As always, thanks for your feedback!

I'm not trying to muddy the water here and every one of the suggestions above is spot on, but there is another part of this you need to hear TJ. No matter how "smooth" you are able to get the plywood edge you are going to have splintering and get some very painful injuries inless you finish the raw edge of the plywood somehow with an artificial facing.

Plywood is a great building material as long as you can capture the raw edged in dado's or rabbits and face the exposed edges with solid wood or banding.