First let me say having read quite a few of Bill's posts if he says its great or crap thats good enough for me, at least as far as another man's opinion of a tool goes with me. However, I do think Roger makes a valid point.

Let me go back to Bill for a second, Bill didn't mention the "relationship" with Jessem in his first post however he was forthcoming in a later post with the information and it is clear to me that he just didn't think it was relevent since HE knows he was being honest and fair. I do however think it is good form to disclose this with any review of a product. I watch/read plenty of reviews on the internet and despite no disclosure from the reviewer it often becomes clear they did not purchase the item in the normal stream of commerce, those reviews get about a salt domes worth of salt added by me. The ones that are clear about their affiliation get much less salt.

In the end if I was looking at a dowel jig based significantly on what Bill said I would buy a Jessem. I do not think Roger had any intent to call Bill a liar or anything of the sort. Finally, I do think anyone doing a review does their self and the community here a good turn by fully disclosing any relationship with a company from a discount others wouldn't get up to being paid for the review.