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Thread: wood and felines

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Benton City, WA
    I have several cats. one thinks I belong to him. When I'm in the shop he is right there watching some times to closely. If I don't be careful he will be right up on the tools trying to give advice. This includes even when they are running! I have to lock him out when I use the table saw or he will end up a bob tail cat. He has no fear. But keep the shaving cleaned up or they will use them.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Central California
    Let me preface by saying I'm a dog guy to the bone and the few cats I have had were ranch cats that wanted nor needed any attention............


    That is by far one of the best lookin felines I've ever seen!

    FWIW, my Border Collies want absolutely NOTHING to do with my shop! They hyper fixate on me (other BC owners can relate) in any other venue but the shop noise is just more than they can stand!


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Saint John, N.B. Canada
    I have one Ragdoll cat and thankfully stays clear of me when I'm turning in my basement workshop. He has never used the lathe sawdust or chips as a litter box. I never leave any wood chips or sawdust on the floor over nigh, so hopefully he won't get and ideas. I once read in a cat book that the problem with using sawdust as litter in a cats box, was that the fine sawdust gets in their eyes an causes all kinds of problem. Think that would be a similar thing to having it use sawdust on the floor. Don't forget Vets sure know how to charge. Took my cat to the vet this spring we probably were in the office with the Dr. all of 15 minutes, cost me $150.00 I wasn't happy but seems the cat was. Problem was stomach related with a new food, back on its original food and never going to change again. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR CAT

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