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Thread: Lost parts in own shop...ARRGGGHHH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Northwestern Connecticut

    Lost parts in own shop...ARRGGGHHH

    Ever loose hardware in your own shop? Somewhere in the last two years I did. Argghh, its killing me. I've ripped open every box, turned over every drawer, dug into every nook and cranny. Gremlins I'd say.

    I had a job for which I made storm windows in several stages, the storm panels were held in with some fancy little brass turnbuckles, there was an issue with about a dozen (at $7.50 each) so the client sent them to me to modify and reinstall. We discussed retrofitting the old double hung windows to chain as the sash cords were all failing or close, so I ordered a pack of chain samples to pick a metal and size. For a variety of reasons the job went on hold until last week. Client called, wants to proceed with the double hungs, I had told him I'd replace the turn buckles when we did the next stage of the job.

    At some point I put the chain samples and the turnbuckles in a safe place in my shop awaiting the next phase of the job. Gone. Gone. Gone. Am I the only one to which this sort of thing happens? On the bright side I have found plenty of other gems and organized long abandoned corners of the shop. I'm still looking for a set of carbide tipped planer knives I lost several years ago. Haven't seen them this time either!They were on a shelf, them they were gone....gremlins?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Seabrook, TX (south of Houston)
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    I have (had?) a two axis machine vise I was going to trade a co-worker for a little machining work. I think it ran away with your chains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    You too?

    I will make a prediction.

    Don't worry. After you make a couple trips getting samples and making sure they work.....and buying the materials and complete the job. You WILL find the missing parts.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I've lost an $800.00 Fein half sheet sander,brand new,in my shop. I hid it for some reason,and now can't find it!!!@!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Northern Utah

    Been there

    Been there, done that, tens years later found the hardware and tools that a family member borrowed. I even found cordless tools in my boys toy box.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Courtenay BC Canada
    I lose stuff all the time.. Ken is right.. the secret to finding it is to buy a replacement..

    The funniest to me was hiding all my Festool in my dust collector drum when I went on holidays..

    Came home and a buddy needed some cedar milled.. I could have hauled them to the dump if I had not remembered.. Sigh..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Springfield MO
    That's when I know it's time to clean the shop. (no really.... I clean sometimes)

    That's also why I have 4 or 5 tape measures, or I'm a collector, I'm not sure which.

    Best thing to do is relax, retrace your steps, clean as you go, which you have been. Sometimes it even works to get something similar and recreate the "event" of hiding it. You'd be amazed how many times you'll put something in the same place without being aware of that place until you're not trying to remember it.

  8. #8
    Lets see. In the last month I have lost the following:

    25' Air compressor hose (My favorite one of course)
    Wooden Mallet
    Router Collet
    Tip to Glue bottle

    So far all that have turned up were the Router Collet and Glue bottle tip.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    Erm... I literally have lost my Dewalt Biscuit Joiner, I THINK it's in the shop... Certainly can't see anyone taking THAT and leaving everything else! When I realized it a few months ago, I also realized I could have lost it anytime in last 4 years... Guess I'm not a big user of that tool!
    Thread on "How do I pickup/move XXX Saw?"

    Compilation of "Which Band Saw to buy?" threads

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    Not being able to find something I know I have, has become a way of life for me.....

    My wife insists I should buy a replacement for my wedding ring, which disappeared almost a year ago.
    It's bound to show up one of these days..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New Hampshire
    Let me see. I have lost one part and a book in my shop, which I still haven't found. But I think my worst two were missing tools:

    1. Spending two hours looking for a wrench I had put on top of the project I was working on.

    2. Trying to find the top of my table saw.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Los Chavez, New Mexico
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    You have my sympathy, at least you had some time to lose it. Last week I was finishing up a new machine stand which has two doors.. I picked up two sets of hinges at the BORG. Opened one package and used a hinge for marking all of the holes and the mortises. Finished all the cutting and drilling and all I could find was 3 hinges. It's Sunday and I hate driving back down to the store so I did an extensive search.. Finally broke down and bought more hinges... of course after I get them installed I spot the missing hinge peeking out from under a stack of oak flooring..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Hartland of Michigan
    I am capable of setting something aside, and not knowing where it is 3 minutes later. I'm still trying to find a wheel puller. I'm sure I had it, someplace. It was even in a box with a picture of it. Hmmm.
    Never, under any circumstances, consume a laxative and sleeping pill, on the same night

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    I lost some white metal shelf brackets for about 3 months. I eventually found them in a box labeled "white metal shelf brackets".
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    One Friday evening last summer I left a local medical center and stopped by the most complete hardware store in the valley. I bought some special part I need for a project I was working on in my shop. My wife was in Illinois for 4 weeks visiting her Mom.

    Our back door is located in our dining room. and exits onto the carport. It must be 50' from my shop to the backdoor.

    I set the part on the dining room table so I would see as I left to go to the shop.

    The next morning, I got to the shop and a few minutes later realized I needed the part I'd bought the previous evening.

    6 times I left the shop...came to the house....and forgot what I'd come to the house for........6 times.

    I proceeded to tear the house apart looking for what I couldn't remember. I checked my night jewelry box clutter catchers on the dresser.....finally as I headed back to the shop....I saw on the dining room table and remembered that's what I had come to the house to get.....

    So much to learn, so little time.....

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