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Thread: Anyone know what LED's are cast from?

  1. #1

    Anyone know what LED's are cast from?

    I cut the end off of one of the Wal Mart clear LED's from a string, and P U! El stinko grande! The cut end went from clear to a clear tan/brown, and the Mrs. came out to exclaim about the stench. Mind you, I cut acrylic and she never says anything, so for such a little sucker, that was potent! Starting to wonder if maybe it's clear PVC, hard to tell from a burn test.
    Epilog Mini 24 45W/various other dangerous implements the wife has ok'd over the years

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Sacramento, Ca
    Good chance its epoxy i think, depends who makes it i guess. PVC test it, use a torch to heat a copper wire, melt a bit on the wire and put it back into the torch flame, if it burns green even a hint of green it has pvc in it.

    Helix 75W runnin at 89W, Corel X3, Epilog Summit 25W (alive and kickin), CNC mills, lathes, vinyl cutter, Microflame Generator (flame polisher), and all kind of other stuff to keep things interesting

  3. #3
    It was hard to get any on the wire, so I just burned the LED, still kind of hard to tell. It looked a little green to me, but I figured I'd check around and see if anyone else had tried to roast one.
    Epilog Mini 24 45W/various other dangerous implements the wife has ok'd over the years

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Sacramento, Ca
    get the wire red hot and try to get a little on it, really doesn't need much. If you can't get it on the wire it may not be PVC not sure though

    Helix 75W runnin at 89W, Corel X3, Epilog Summit 25W (alive and kickin), CNC mills, lathes, vinyl cutter, Microflame Generator (flame polisher), and all kind of other stuff to keep things interesting

  5. #5
    ULS M-300 30W, CorelDraw X4

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Lafayette, IN

    That article has a diagram that claims it's epoxy.

    "Don't get stuck on stupid." --Lt. Gen. Russel Honore

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Glenelg, MD
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    Cool, finally a question I know I'm uniquely qualified to answer

    For the type your talking about (cheapy Wal-Mart string), it's guaranteed to be a polymer of some form... for most visible LEDs, it's an epoxy resin (most likely a thermo-set). Some of the blue ones will use a different type, but even the cheapies use it.
    Hi-Tec Designs, LLC -- Owner (and self-proclaimed LED guru )

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    Jet BD-920W 9"x20" metal lathe
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    Flame Polisher (ooooh, FIRE!)
    Freeware: InkScape, Paint.NET, DoubleCAD XT
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  8. #8
    It depends on the optical qualities wanted. It can be epoxy or plastic. Both can be rather stinky. I doubt there's any PVC in there but I still wouldn't want to breathe the stuff if I could avoid it.

    edit: nevermind. Dan beat me to it.

  9. #9
    Thanks all It sounds like I'm probably "safe" to cut them, although, if the Mrs. is home, no guarantee I thought it would be nice to customize the optical properties by changing the lens shape with the laser. Pretty sure the smell is such that it could even attract unwanted attention from the neighbors, pretty unreal.
    Epilog Mini 24 45W/various other dangerous implements the wife has ok'd over the years

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