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Thread: Titebond 2 vs Titebond 3

  1. #1

    Titebond 2 vs Titebond 3

    A few months back I switched from Titebnond 2 to Titebond 3. Recently I have had a couple projects have glue joint failure. Both were face to face glue joints such as seen in a butcher block. Neither has been exposed to water or a high humidity areas. I am wondering what everyone elses uses and your feelings about Titebond 2 vs Titebond 3. My thinking at this point is that in spite of what FWW says 3 is not as strong as 2. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southport, NC
    For a number of years I used TB II for butcher blocks and cutting boards. Never had a failure. Since TB III came out I have used it and never had a problem. For best adhesion, glued surfaces need to be freshly cut or light sanded and, most important, must be tightly clamped. Face to face joints tend to take quite a bit longer to fully dry and cure so I leave them in the clamps at least overnight.

  3. #3
    I use TBIII exclusively, just because the price difference is so marginal.. especially when you factor in how much usage you get out of a bottle. I've never had a problem or glue failure.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Northern Oregon
    I had some failures with TB III. I tested scraps when I got it, as I do with any new product I haven't worked with. It was weak, compared to TB extend and original. I called Franklin. They asked for the date code and told me it was outdated( by a few months) and to return it to the place of purchase.

    Funny thing is, the TB original and TB extend I compared it to is 7 years old and still fine!

  5. #5
    About a year ago I bought and tried tb3. Had several joint failures. Went back to tb2 and never looked back.My projects are all basically the same and my gluing practices are the same also. Never had a failure with tb2. The tb3 could have been expired. Don't know.

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