Thanks guys for all the input and suggestions. I will already have a vapor barrier down with the use of the Platon on top of the slab, then the 3/4" T&G OSB. I am still deciding of I need the Red Rosin on top of the OSB still since it is not acting as a Vapor barrier. It's not going to cost too much so i should just do it I suppose.

Ya - a 1000 sq ft is going to take some time - the wife is busy at night with school, so i figured I need something to do to keep me occupied for the next 2 months! Go down and do 50 to 100 a night for a few weeks when I have some time. One of the other reasons to just buy the nailer - renting really wasn't going to be an option.

I have to get the 32 sheets of OSB that got dropped off yesterday in the snow storm down into the basement now. I need to pull them through a window into the basement - hope I can sucker a neighbor to come and help me. Maybe they will get sick of looking at the wood in my driveway and volunteer to come over and help! I can only wish.... this is going to cost me more than a handful of beers I am sure!