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Thread: Remote switch for 3520

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Remote switch for 3520

    I would like to thank all of you who have posted your ideas on remote switches for your 3520's.

    I quit procrastinating and finally made mine. I thought I would only use it when I was was turning something large and had to reach around it to hit the stop switch. Boy was I ever wrong, I actually use it more than the original stop switch. Since I can move it to the tailstock, safety cage, bed ways, or wherever it is easy to reach, I use all the time. I used a leftover toggle switch I had from the house and planned on ordering a push-pull stop switch like to one that comes on the lathe. However, I've found that the toggle switch is easier to turn off and on so I'm going to keep it the way it's setup.

    It is wired in series with the original switch, so both have to be "ON" for the lathe to run. Either one will shut the lathe off. I bought a Harbor Freight welding magnet and a plastic box with the toggle switch and cover. I have just under $10 in the switch and can't believe I waited so long to make it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Murphy, North Carolina

    I also use my remote switch all the time. I only use the on lathe switch to power down the lathe for the night. I used the same switch as you did and I usually just bump the switch with the butt of my tool to turn it on and off.

    I personally think it is good to get in the habit of not reaching around the piece to turn the lathe off. I just know that one day that habit will pay off.

    Where did you find your magnet? Mine is too weak to hang vertically.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    This magnet, , is so powerful it's hard to pull straight off the bed, you have to slide it sideways. It's 4" diameter, with a threaded stud on the back. Just drill a hole in the box and cut the stud off so it clears the back of the toggle switch. I glued some shelf liner on the face of the magnet with rubber cement to prevent it from scratching the paint.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    sLower Delaware
    Congrats on having that switch. I will agree with the "why did I wait so long" feeling. Sure thought that after I did mine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Murphy, North Carolina
    Thanks Doug.

    That was a good find with the magnet. It just got added to my to-do/buy list.

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