Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Nicol View Post
If we were allowed to berate and put down each and every company, supplier or individual there would be no useable information on the forum, just negativity whitch leads to a forum disbanding or the barring of all violaters fo the forum rules, then these banned individuals will go to other forums and rant and put down the other forum. Reminds me of why I was so happy to graduate from highschool and get away from the childish actions

Like I said its a fine line. I do not like bashing threads myself. That is why you have a TOS and rules dealing with that subject on your forum. Like you said Jeff they will go to other sites if you ban them, if you continue to delete threads without good justification you will loose the good members also to other sites. Because most members do not know the details of why just that it was deleted. That is why I found that editing the offending post out and if needed a post at the end of the thread and lock it, but to just delete it is bad for the forums image. I deal with websites and forums for a living. As the owner of a Webhosting business (just do not have the time to run forums full time) I deal with lawyers more often than I care to I have many as customers. As far as having some lawyer contact me, most of the time its just dealing with tradmarked logos/images. The occasional supina for weblogs or user information. but as far as the forum owners being liable to a lawsuit for something posted on a forum I have not seen it. They can not even make you remove it without a court order. if its a trademark issue they will provide you the proper registration information in writing and by law you have 30 days from then to remove it. but when it comes to comments posted you have no issues.